Selenium RC 1.0.1 with Firefox 3.6

The last day I get stuck while I was writing my automated test codes with selenium but using firefox 3.6. Selenium was failing to open the firefox browser session because selenium RC 1.0.1 does not support firefox 3.6 by default. You know what I did? I did nothing but some googling as everyone does :) and found an excellent post on describing this problem. Here it is []. Well you will have a lot of commands to read there. But in a nutshell all you need to do is modify the firefox version in following 5 files in the selenium-server.jar archive.


You just need to replace <em:maxVersion>3.5.*</em:maxVersion> to <em:maxVersion>3.6.*</em:maxVersion> in the above files (Step 5 of the aforementioned link)

My OS is windows. And I simply used a zip-unzip software to open the archive and changed the files through the it. Anyway, now I am writing my automated test code with selenium as well as using firefox 3.6 with its more improved speed and facilities.


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