Content publish in blogspot through google docs

Today was an amazing day!! Feeling like flying in sky after a long time of heavy working pressure. Rambling around the web, chatting with friends, commenting pictures in facebook etc... in a nutshell enjoying the time very much. 
Suddenly I found this web site ( I was googling a easy way to publish content in my blogs with source code). One word stuck my eyes "Google docs". Personally i like it very much. I maintain all my TODOs, presentations, daily calculations in my google docs. And when i saw that it also facilitates to publish my content in my blog i was so excited the check it out instantly. However I configured my blog in Google docs account and trying to publish the content in my blog. As i also needed to publish source codes in my blogs lets try to put some code also. dont know what will happen :P

    [1,2,3].each{|i| i}; 
    puts i;

simple ruby code. Well after writing the code here I opened this doc in HTML mode (Edit > Edit  HTML) and wrapped the code with my predefined code formatting classes. Its simple isn't it?
I don't know it will work as I expect or not. But I will definitely make it working properly. After all I love google docs. So lets try now... what do you say??


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