Bada tutorial: Meet the Containers
Hmm... "Meet the Container !" :O What will be going on today!! :) Yes, today we will be looking on to all the containers. Because whatever application you develop you must need to deal with various types of containers. After all containers are the things that will hold all our component and show those on the screen. Lets look at the following picture. A total black window and a button saying "OK". At first lets find out how many components are there. What do you say? Well would you say like following? A dark black window. A button. is there anything else? Ok, lets look at the following one: ( Focus on "Frame" and "Form" only ) So you identified the "Frame" and "Form", right ? ( encircled ). Yes these two are the most common companion for any BADA app developer. As you can see, your application must have a (only one) Frame on the very base. And then you need Form . An application can have multiple forms . Say yo...